The bacterial flagellum has become an iconic example of the evidence against modern Darwinian theory as well as the evidence for intelligent design. Explore the facts about this amazing piece of nanotechnology through the links below.
Jonathan M., “The Bacterial Flagellum Revisited”
There have been many attempts to refute the idea that the bacterial flagellum is irreducibly complex. Decide for yourself whether the critics are right or are blowing smoke by exploring the following articles.
Jonathan M., “Michael Behe Hasn’t Been Refuted on the Flagellum”
Casey Luskin, “Responding to Criticisms of Irreducible Complexity of the Bacterial Flagellum from the Australian Broadcasting Network”
Michael Behe, “New Paper on Flagellum Reveals Secret Obsessions”
Michael Behe, “From a 2011 Paper on Bacterial Flagella, Little Comfort for Darwinists”
John G. West, “Behe Critic on Bacterial Flagellum: No Intelligence Required Because ‘Natural forces work ‘like magic’”
During the Dover trial, proponents of Darwin’s theory claimed that the Type III Secretion System needle complex refuted Michael Behe by showing how the flagellum could have evolved from a simpler structure through a Darwinian process. But the scientific evidence now shows that the needle complex originated after the flagellum had already developed.
Sophie S. Abby and Eduardo P.C. Rocha, “The Non-Flagellar Type III Secretion System Evolved from the Bacterial Flagellum and Diversified into Host-Cell Adapted Systems”
Casey Luskin, “Why the Type III Secretory System Can’t Be a Precursor to the Bacterial Flagellum”
Scott Minnich and Stephen Meyer, “Genetic Analysis of Coordinate Flagellar and Type III Regulatory Circuits in Pathogenic Bacteria”