Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture is the institutional hub of the intelligent design movement. We don’t get any government support. We rely totally on voluntary contributions. Help us underwrite cutting-edge research and spread the word about intelligent design to more people through our videos, publications, educational programs, and more.
The Science and Culture Network is a network of local/regional affiliated groups dedicated to supporting the mission of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture (CSC) to advance the understanding that life and the universe are the result of intelligent design. Find out more about how to organize or connect with a chapter in your area.
Are you a student or professional interested in advancing intelligent design as part of your life’s work? Consider applying for Discovery Institute’s summer seminar program, which takes place in July each year in Seattle.
Go deeper in learning about intelligent design by purchasing the Discovering Intelligent Design curriculum and enrolling in the free online companion, with short video lectures, outlines, and online quizzes.
Learn about the personal side of Lehigh University biochemistry professor Michael Behe, proponent of intelligent design.
Biochemist Michael Behe shares how he came to write Darwin’s Black Box supplemented by additional comments from his colleagues Stephen Meyer and Paul Nelson.
Biochemist Michael Behe discusses the greatest accomplishment of biologist Michael Denton’s path-breaking book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.
John G. West, co-founder of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, describes the founding of the Center with philosopher of science Stephen Meyer.