Since the late 1980s, Michigan State University biologist Richard Lenski has been running a long-term evolution experiment with E. coli bacteria. A supporter of Darwinian evolution, Lenski wanted to follow a population of bacteria over time and see what new functions would evolve. By 2014, Lenski and his researchers had grown over 60,000 generations of bacteria. Although often cited as providing evidence for Darwin’s theory, scientists who support intelligent design like Michael Behe argue that Lenski’s experiments actually show just how limited the creative power of Darwinian evolution actually is.
Michael Behe, “Richard Lenski and Citrate Hype—Now Deflated”
Michael Behe, “Lenski’s Long-Term Evolution Experiment: 25 Years and Counting”
Michael Behe, “Richard Lenski, ‘Evolvability,’ and Tortuous Darwinian Pathways”
Casey Luskin, “Richard Lenski’s Long-Term Evolution Experiments with E. coli and the Origin of New Biological Information (Updated)”
Casey Luskin, “Michael Behe’s Quarterly Review of Biology Paper Critiques Richard Lenski’s E. Coli Evolution Experiments”